150 Essay Topics Ideas For Every Subject


Simple Essay Topics

The answer to that question will serve as your thesis, and you must next provide justifications in the form of subject sentences.


1. Will the pandemic force people to cover up when they have the seasonal flu?

2. Is learning online equivalent to learning in a classroom?

3. How can students avoid being stressed out and staying home because of COVID-19?

4. Has the coronavirus-related quarantine brought families closer together or further apart?

5. How crucial is it to wear a facemask before venturing outside?

6. How are you going to stay in contact with your buddies throughout quarantine?

7. When it comes to staying at home during the coronavirus, what surprises students the most?

8. How can seniors who are about to graduate enjoy their final semester at home?

9. What novel customs might emerge from the COVID-19 scenario?

10. What is the most effective strategy for the nation to reopen?

11. What positive effects has COVID-19 had on students’ lives? worse than expected?

12. How would COVID-19 affect students’ goals for college?

13. Should school districts modify their sick leave attendance guidelines?

14. How might educators improve their online courses?

15. How can students study at home with write my essay more efficiently by making the most of their time?

16. What are the greatest ways for parents of primary school students to support their kids’ home learning?

17. After COVID-19, will more families think about homeschooling?

18. What is the most effective defence against contracting the coronavirus?

Body Perception

1. How does mental health relate to one’s body image?

2. Is it necessary for the fashion sector to alter its advertising strategy?

3. Do love films have a negative impact on genuine relationships?

4. Can women benefit from beauty pageants?

5. Do young men struggle with their body image?

6. How does advertising impact men’s perceptions of their bodies?

7. Is it appropriate for the fashion industry to use models that resemble everyday people?

8. Should plus-sized models be used by companies like Victoria’s Secret?

9. Can women improve their self-image by getting plastic surgery?

10. Does a girl’s body image suffer when she plays with Barbie-style dolls?

11. What is a healthy body image that young women can cultivate?

News Related Topics

1. Is it wise to keep up with comedy and satire in the news?

What does “fake news” mean?

3. Is “unbiased reporting” a real thing?

4. In the digital age, what is the ideal position for news reporters?

5. Do regular people’s reports really provide us with better news?

6. Will newspapers simply exist online or go out of business?

7. Will crowdsourced media become a significant trend?

8. Is our coverage of the news too limited?

9. In what way does “fact checking” speeches help?

Mental State and Well-Being

1. How does our diet impact our emotional well-being?

2. Is our brain truly controlled by our microbiome?

Can medication-induced brain damage be repaired?

4. What impact does marijuana have on the brain?

5. Can you benefit from learning to lucid dream?

6. What is the most effective PSTD treatment?

7. Is virtual reality anything more than entertainment?

8. Are children’s video games harmful?

9. How does the Internet impact our cognitive abilities?

10. How much of an impact should race have on American identity?

Modern Technology

1. How will the future be altered by 3-D printing?

2. Which research projects the greatest promise for assisting the disabled?

3. Do self-driving trucks make appropriate sense?

4. Is face-detecting tools and software are an effective means of combating identity theft?

5. How will the use of useful quantum computers alter our daily lives?

6. How will the way we share our lives be altered by 360-degree selfie cameras?

7. How does the Cell Atlas affect things?

8. Is it beneficial to connect our household devices?

Is it possible for machines to acquire intelligence?

10. Is a Mac or a PC better?

Social Networks

1. Are people’s posts on social media a basis for judgement?

2. Can people create enduring connections using online dating sites, or are they just scams?

3. Is it appropriate to outlaw texting and driving?

4. Is our attention span getting shorter due to technology?

5. Is there a role for social media sites like Twitter in the classroom?

6. Do teens’ social life suffer as a result of social media use?

7. How are parent-child relationships being affected by social media?

8. Is it improper to look at your phone or text when in a social setting?

9. What rules should college and high school students follow when posting on social media?

10. How can parents handle the problem of their child experiencing cyberbullying?

Life in High School

1. Why enlist in the ROTC?

2. How may individuals focus more intently when studying?

3. How should you ask someone out on a prom date?

4. Is it worthwhile to study abroad?

5. Which sport is the finest to play at our school? What happened to our school mascot?

6. What are the advantages of joining a school organisation such as the FFA, BPA, or another?

7. Is it crucial for high school students to learn a foreign language?

8. Is the cost of prom worth it?

9. What characteristics of a fruitful dating partnership?


1.What are the key benefits of growing up in a large family?

2. What elements go into a happy marriage?

3. How does marriage affect one’s health?

4. What is the purpose of looking into your ancestry?

5. Is it wise to marry someone you don’t know?

6. Are marriages strengthened by cohabitation before marriage?

7. How much is a family trip worth?

8. How may parents improve their relationship with their teenagers?

9. What factors lead to marriage dissolution?

What guidelines ought parents to set for their teenagers?

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